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Parklands Community Primary School

croeso - welkom - 歡迎光臨 - Ласкаво просимо - bienvenue - स्वागत - willkommen - ברוכים הבאים -  પધારો - bienvenido - సుస్వాగతం - hoşgeldiniz - أهلا بك - witajcie - 歡迎 - laipni lūdzam - Добро пожаловать! - welcome - స్వాగత - bem vinda - желанный - bienvenidas - ברוך הבא - bonjour

Everyone is welcome at our school and at the moment we have places available for children to join us in most classes. Click our video to find out more about our school and visit our Facebook page to get a feel for life at Parklands. Our website is full of information about teaching and learning, but the very best way to find out is to come to school for a visit.

We provide an rich and engaging education focused on academic success and excellence in terms of care and welfare. We respect our children as individual and ensure their talents and achievements are recognised. When children leave our school, we want them to be excited about the opportunities that exist for them and have the confidence and skills vital for success in life. We seek to create responsible, resilient and curious citizens. Each half-term we focus on one of our school values: independence, cooperation, respect, responsibility, resilience & ambition. You can find out more about our values by clicking here. Our ethos promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different beliefs.

We want our children to be the best they can be and have three clear school rules to be: Ready, Respectful and Safe. We provide a caring and safe environment for your child and safeguarding is paramount. The school’s governing board, SENCo and learning mentors are very supportive.