RE & SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development)

Religious Education 

RE is for all pupils

  • Every pupil has a legal entitlement to RE.
  • RE is a necessary part of a ‘broad and balanced curriculum’ and must be provided for all registered pupils in state-funded schools in England, including those in the sixth form, unless withdrawn by their parents (or withdrawing themselves if they are aged 18 or over).
  • This requirement does not apply to pupils below compulsory school age although we teach RE in our Nursery class.

RE is locally determined, not nationally

  • A locally agreed syllabus is a statutory syllabus for RE; at Parklands we follow the Cheshire scheme.

RE is multifaith, and recognises the place of Christianity and the other principal religions in the UK. Non-religious worldviews are included

  • The RE curriculum, drawn up by a SACRE or used by an academy or free school, ‘shall reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian, while taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain’.5 Contemporary guidance from the Government makes clear that the breadth of RE will include the six principal religions of the UK and nonreligious worldviews.

Parents of pupils are permitted, by law, to request that their child is withdrawn from receiving all or part of religious education and/or collective worship and any such request shall stand until such time that the parent’s request is withdrawn. 

SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development)

At Parklands, we believe that one of the main aims of our school is to guide and develop the personal development of all our pupils. The education of the pupils at Parklands is not solely about the gaining of knowledge and the acquisition of skills.

This is because we believe that the development of personal, social and emotional attributes, will in turn support the whole child, thereby enabling them to flourish academically, equipping them with the knowledge and skills that will improve their life chances. We consider that learners’ wider development is important to ensure that all can lead successful lives and make meaningful contributions to society.

The staff of Parklands chose the six values of: independence, cooperation, respect, responsibility, resilience and ambition to underpin the ethos of our school. These are the foundation of the school enabling us to each work, learn and live in harmony together.

Our intent is that the Parklands Values and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC), is the golden thread that weaves through both our school curriculum and culture. We believe that personal, social and emotional skills are vital to our children, if they are going to reach their potential academically and more importantly, as adults of an ever-changing future.

The purpose of a diverse and engaging SMSC curriculum at Parklands is to provide the essential building blocks for life-long learning so that the children can concentrate, interact with others, regulate their emotions, build resilience and cope with the challenges of modern life.

What is SMSC?

SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. All schools in England must show how well their pupils develop in SMSC.


To explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.


To recognise right and wrong; respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.


To use a range of social skills; participate in the local community; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict; engage with the ‘British values’ of democracy, the rule of law, liberty, respect and tolerance.


To appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

Equality & Diversity

Thread throughout our curriculum are opportunities for our children to learn about the Equality Act 2010, British Values and diversity. Equality and diversity are illustrated on our school Road Maps which ensure that pupils meet a range of significant people throughout their learning journey. You can see these by clicking Road Maps in the Curriculum section.

No Outsiders

At Parklands Community Primary and Nursery school, there are no outsiders – we are all different, but we are all equal. We teach through an inclusive programme called ‘No Outsiders’ which promotes community cohesion and prepares young people for life as global citizens. We start our ‘No Outsiders’ lessons with a book such as ‘Elmer’, ‘Red’ or in Year 6 ‘Dreams of Freedom’ which help children to understand about diversity, inclusion and respect.

British Values

We promote British Values in many different ways at our school, particularly through our assembly ‘The Monday Message’. Below are some examples of ways that we promote each of the values.


School Council – children representing our school, making sure their voice is heard; expressing their views in class discussions; school jobs and responsibilities; history lessons

Individual Liberty:

Before and after school clubs; anti-bullying campaigns; celebrating the individual achievements; child initiated tasks; Remembrance

Rule of Law:

Behaviour policy and school rules; visits from local police & the fire service; e-safety and other safeguarding procedures; promoting fair play in PE lessons and playtimes

Respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs:
RE lessons; visits from religious representatives; visiting places of worship

Rights Respecting School
A rights–respecting school is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practiced, respected, protected and promoted. The UN Convention of the Rights of a Child identifies many rights. We have chosen 8 to focus on which we believe are vital to our children.

1.The right to an education (Article 28)
2.The right to life  (Article 6)
3.The right to have a say (Article 12)
4.The right to good health (Article 24)
5.The right to privacy (article 16)
6.The right to practise a religion (Article 14)
7.The right to a good standard of living (Article 27)
8. The right to relax and play (Article 31)