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Reception 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Reception Class

Our outstanding Early Years team crafts an engaging curriculum designed to inspire young minds. We prioritise communication and language development, fostering self-expression, while also nurturing personal, social, and emotional growth by helping children build confidence, manage emotions, form relationships, and develop empathy. Physical development is equally important, as we support the improvement of motor skills, coordination, and overall health, enabling children to move confidently and engage in daily activities. Through our carefully planned provision, children have access to a variety of enriching activities and resources that promote independent exploration, decision-making, and learning through play.

We tailor learning experiences to children's interests and celebrate both new and familiar events. Using Read Write Inc for phonics and immersive texts in English, we foster reading and writing skills. In mathematics, we follow a mastery approach with Power Maths and Mastering Number, helping children enjoy and deepen their understanding.

Contact school for more information and you can also read our Ofsted Report, in which our Early Years is rated as Outstanding. 

Our wonderful team of staff:

Mrs Ephgrave – Class Teacher

Mrs Horton – Teaching Assistant

Miss Burns – Teaching Assistant

Miss Stanley – Teaching Assistant

Miss Price – Teaching Assistant

Miss Reid – HLTA (PPA cover)

Important information:

o    Children will bring home sounds to practise linked to their RWI group.

o    They will also be given a reading book that corresponds to their RWI group. All of this should be kept in their reading pack and should be in school everyday.

o    PE day for Reception is Wednesday. Please send your child to school in the correct PE uniform.

o    Celebration assembly is Friday afternoon at 2.40pm – please join us

o    weekly learning sheets are sent home on a Monday with information about our learning for the week.

o    Every half term we have a stay & play session where you will be invited to come in and play with your child in school.


What can you do at home?

o    Children need to share books at home every day. It is important for them to read and re-read the books they are sent home.

o    Please use the weekly learning sheet to listen to our story of the week, look for the colour of the week, find our number of the week and practise phonic sounds they have learnt in school (QR codes are on the weekly learning sheet).

o    access class dojo – updates will be posted on dojo.

o    look out for pictures on Facebook.

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